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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Day 2!

Day 2! I have had Norovirus before and it is never pleasant and this particular instance has been as bad as I can recall! However I am on the mend so whilst I have not done anything today apart from be in Mrs. Woody's way I can talk about a couple of things that happened before the dreaded virus.

One is the Tiger 1 build which is very slowly advancing. A bit more work on the turret with the opening side hatch being fitted in place and it works!

Dragon Tiger tank

Dragon Tiger tank

The etch below the gun has also been fitted, all of which means I am now in a position to put the turret top on and then it is more or less ready for painting.

Dragon Tiger tank

Before this Norovirus, I did have a day at the Rocks by Rail Museum where Mr. D, who had been an issue a week before with staying on the track was actually doing what it should and running on the track!

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Going to the other extreme, Richard was hand propelling the trolley down the line - shows the extremes of what we have at the Museum! I do like this photo for its atmospherics. 

Rocks by Rail Museum,

For me, it was a case of grass cutting but this time with a strimmer which was an interesting change from th emower!

Rocks by Rail Museum,

I did a fair bit of vegetational butchery which means the face shovel can actually be got to without having to beat a trail through the long grass!

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Rocks by Rail Museum,

I am hoping that the next few days will see me get back to some normality! 

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