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Friday, September 27, 2024

The painting bug!

Having not gone to the Rocks By Rail Museum last week due to the kitchen rebuild escapades I ventured in yesterday knowing that things will have changed - they always do! First off one of the steam locos, Andrew Barclay 1391, is now in the restoration shed with work starting on its re-tubing. It ran out of what is termed as 'ticket' in July so needs work doing to it so that it passes an inspection to gain a fresh 10 year ticket - hopefully before next years season starts!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Rocks by Rail Museum

And the work has indeed started with Richard in the cab dismantling various components. At least the Museum has some volunteers who know what they are doing, unlike me!

Rocks by Rail Museum

An interesting stack of wood has appeared as well - wonder where that came from? Oh yes! My kitchen ceiling! John was delighted when I arrived - almost as though it was his Birthday and Christmas rolled into one!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Meanwhile, in the exhibition centre, the Shark brake van has now filled the space left by the steam loco. Hopefully it will now dry out ready for another overhaul which will involve a lot of woodwork and painting.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Talking of painting, Pete and Pam have been busy with the Sundew cab which is looking very smart as it gets painted with that cream top coat.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Rocks by Rail Museum

And the painting bug is catching with Martin now painting the dragline excavator!

Rocks by Rail Museum

For me, it was another day of battling the ever growing grass and vegetation! At least as Winter comes that should take a break and maybe I will catch the painting bug and smarten something up!

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