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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Uncared for - just like me!

After seeing things being smartened up with a coat of paint at the Rocks By Rail Museum earlier this week you would think that I would be influenced to smarten some of my things up with a fresh coat of paint. Mrs. Woody certainly has a list of painting jobs for me but I have decided to against the flow! The Tiger 1 tank looked in showroom condition but I have started the process of rusting up parts. The exhausts have been subject to paint and weathering powders and look suitably uncared for - just like me!

Dragon Tiger tank

Dragon Tiger tank

I have also attacked the spare track links on the turret with the same treatment.

Dragon Tiger tank

Still more to do but each session brings a little more character to this build. Strange that you have to work so hard to make something look uncared for!

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