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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Woody meets a blog reader!

A day at the Rocks by Rail Museum today but lets talk Tiger tank kit building first where the steps towards getting it finished have become somewhat glacial in speed! However, it is not always about the speed, but about the journey itself. Just wish this one was a bit more interesting at the moment! The bow gun has been painted and is in place and the clear vision block for the drivers position is in place.

Dragon Tiger tank

To help in the painting process and to try to avoid painting the clear vision block and blasting paint over the bow gun I have just hand brushed some base colour around the required places. Whether it works or not is something I will find out later! 

Dragon Tiger tank

Meanwhile at the Rocks by Rail Museum, things are looking very autumnal with fading greenery, a low sun and long shadows. But on a day like today there was no better place to be! 

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Rocks by Rail Museum,

And interestingly I met someone who reads this blog! That was a surprise to me, both that someone other than Mrs. Woody and Mr. Beecham reads it and to actually have met them! A great chat was had and thank you Margaret for taking the time to read my ramblings!

The Museum played host today to a short commemoration alongside locomotive Singapore of the allied losses suffered when two Japanese Hell Ships were sunk. You can read more about that on the museum website by clicking here! For me a poignant moment as my Uncle was captured in Singapore during WW2.

Rocks by Rail Museum,

As always, white orchids were laid by thoose present and the poem below tells why.

Rocks by Rail Museum

The work of the museum does of course continue and Alex is still making progress on Ketton No1 having moved onto painting the engine bay and all the ancillaries. It is somewhat concerning in my mind that he may finish painting this loco before I get my Tiger kit finished!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Rocks by Rail Museum

For me, the grass never stops growing so it was a day of mowing! How unusual!

Rocks by Rail Museum


  1. You did appear ever so slightly taken aback. 😀 Hope you are recovering from the shock.

    Mrs B

    1. It is indeed a bit of a shock to find anyone reading what I come up with but a very pleasant one!

  2. You did appear somewhat bemused to find you were not talking just to yourself. Hope you have recovered now. 🙂

    1. I am now well used to talking to myself, even the WMD cats ignore me! I am certainly better than a week ago!
