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Friday, September 13, 2024

Tiger hull glued!

It has been a busy, interesting and varied week. Getting over Norovirus, the kitchen rebuild, working at the museum and making some progress with the Tiger tank rebuild. 

The Tiger now has a glued together deck and hull following some final fettling with the bow gun and masking off of the two forward hatches and the turret aperture. 

Dragon Tiger tank,

The fitting of the deck to the hull was not without a few near miss contributions to the swear jar but it all eventually went into the right places. With some liquid glue seeped into the joints it was all successfully held together.

Dragon Tiger tank,

With the hull and deck together it was time to fit the side track guards - a fiddly but greatly rewarding task once done as the pair really added to the character of the tank..

Dragon Tiger tank,

Placing the turret on top of the hull shows what a beast this tank was.

Dragon Tiger tank,

Hopefully getting to this stage makes the rest of the build a bit easier but that is never my luck!

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