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Monday, September 9, 2024

There was a plan!

I thought that I would have a quiet day today and maybe catch up with the Tiger 1 build. After all I was still getting over Norovirus. The kitchen was coming along nicely and all the units were in place.

Kitchen rebuild,

That was the plan anyway. However, like so many of my plans it did not quite work out! Phil the builder arrived and said it was time to bring the washing machine in. Now I have moved washing machines myself and they are no fun to do as you get older but that was going to be a quick job to help Phil then back to my plan.

Kitchen rebuild,

Anyway, with it in I thought my day would return to plan but Phil announced that it was now the ideal time to move in with the worktops for the kitchen rebuild. Now I now the worktops came in a 4m and 3m length and were somewhat cumbersome and heavy so it was going to be a two person job to do anything with them. There was Phil and there was me so that made the two persons and the end of my plan! To cut a long story short you need to get the worktops right and there is a lot of cutting to size, routing at joints and routing for the joining clamps so it was a case of in and out of the house but we got there and it fitted!

Kitchen rebuild,

To avoid the risk of cutting the hole for the sink in the worktop outside  and then for the work top to snap as we carried it in due to be weakened, Phil cut the sink sized hole in situ. Somewhat dusty but it did the job!

Kitchen rebuild,

And the sink unit fits without falling through almost as if it were planned that way!

Kitchen rebuild,

Now should I make any plans for tomorrow?

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