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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Several steps forward!

After yesterdays step back, today sees several steps forward with the Tiger 1 tank build.

With the hull already in its base coat of dark yellow it was a good time to add some muck and weathering where the wheels and tracks go before these were fitted. As it will end up as Tiger based somewhere around the Normandy area of France in early 1944 if the painting guide in the instructions is correct, it is likely that the terrain it drove over would be muddy leading to the underside of the tank also becoming muddy. 

My favoured product to recreate that gritty muddiness is an acrylic product from MIG that has a grainy texture to it.

Dragon Tiger tank

What I did not realise is that I have had the product so long that the half of it left in the container had almost dried out. Not one to waste things if there is a way around the issue I poured some acrylic paint thinner into the container and then used a knife blade to work it into the semi dried out product - and guess what? It actually worked!

Dragon Tiger tank

With a useable product a stiff brush was used to apply the product to mimic the build up of mud. I concentrated especially on the areas where the tracks would throw up mud.

Dragon Tiger tank

Once dry, I airbrushed some  earth coloured paint over both the mud as well as the underside of the hull to create that dirt layer that covers this type of vehicle.

Dragon Tiger tank

It is going to also get some weathering powder treatment but overall I am pleased with that. Certainly a step forward!

The turret has also been undergoing some more painting with almost all of it now primed so it will soon be time for a top coat which will be another step forward!

Dragon Tiger tank

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