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Friday, May 24, 2024

3D printed Titanium bike frame!

An unusual start to my day at the Rocks by Rail Museum yesterday in as much as you don't see too many bikes on the tracks! This was a bit different. A local specialist bike maker has been to the Museum before to take publicity shots and they had another new bike so they were back. Being a keen long standing cyclist myself the two guys got fully questioned by me! Apparently the frame is 3D printed Titanium. Now I have never heard of 3D printing metal before but there it was in front of me and very nice it looked to! Certainly different from the 3D printed models that I am used to dealing with.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Not only was the frame unique but I was one of the first people in the UK to see the new Shimano group set. That rear gear can be adapted with an additional bracket to cope with a 50 tooth rear cog! if you want to know more about that Cycling Weekly has an item here.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Rocks by Rail Museum

Have I got £10,000 spare Mrs. Woody? There is a rather nice bike I like!

Back to reality and the Museum is getting ready for the Spring Bank Holiday events this weekend with the start of Sundews Great Walk 50th anniversary. A great display as well as models to bring alive the story.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Rocks by Rail Museum

Rocks by Rail Museum

In the restoration shed, John has been fitting pipework to the tank I helped him to fit to Mr. D last week.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Next job on John's list is fitting an alternator which should be in the middle of the picture below and will be - once he finds it!

Rocks by Rail Museum

For me, the day was taken up by battling grass that has not been cut for three weeks because of the rain but the rain has made it grow three times as fast! I really felt it when I got home!

Rocks by Rail Museum

I am back on Monday shunting so hopefully my back will have recovered but doing shunting means I will probably still have a bad back on Monday evening! I wonder if they can 3D print a new back???

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