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Friday, May 17, 2024

Wrenching Woody!

Wrenching Woody? A strange title but given that yesterday when I was at the Museum it was somewhat wet outside, a job under cover and in the dry was a preferable option!

Rocks by Rail Museum

That job centred around Mr. D the latest loco now in the restoration shed.

Rocks by Rail Museum

The ever knowledgeable John had a oil tank to relocate under the bonnet and a hydraulic tank to fit in the vacated space. This is the tank!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Luckily John is nimble and could get under the bonnet.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Nicely nestled under the bonnet John could identify what needed to be done . 

Rocks by Rail Museum

My job was to be in the relative comfort of the cab to wrench, or as we say in the UK, spanner (but spanner doesn't rhyme with Woody!) the nuts off and on the old and new bolts.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Some holes also needed drilling so I had to keep an eye on making sure the drill didn't hit any of the wires or pipes on the bulkhead. of which there are a few!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Anyway after a few hours and several holes, nuts, bolts and washers the job was done!

Rocks by Rail Museum

And I was dry - unlike Rob and Richard who were trying to keep the welding gear dry!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Meanwhile, Harriot the JCB, looks good outside with the rain adding some shine to her new paintwork!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Next week, if it is dry, It will be back to Lawn Mowing Woody!

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