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Saturday, May 25, 2024

How to fill an empty space!

Now Mrs. Woody would like to fill the empty space of my head with more tasks from her list of jobs for me but I think my head is better left an empty space! However, back to the now Lemon Yellow 3D printed loco and it has a largish cab with big windows so I decided that it really needed some form of cab interior to fill that empty space. Nothing too detailed, just the basics of a floor and an operating consul with perhaps a few dials and levers. Out came some plastic card and after a few measurements a floor was created along with the parts for a consul.

3D printed diesel loco

Once the consul was glued together.....

3D printed diesel loco

...some thin slices of plastic rod were cut and glued to form instrument dials and some lengths of rod were glued into drilled holes to form the brake throttle and direction levers.

3D printed diesel loco

With the consul glued to the floor, I formed the all important mechanical brake lever from some more rod.

3D printed diesel loco

Still more to do like painting it but already the previously empty cab looks much more interesting.

3D printed diesel loco

3D printed diesel loco

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