Just like most people who build models things can go wrong for me, probably more than most other modellers! Take the 3D printed diesel loco for example. I managed to smooth out the print lines and then applied a white under coat through my airbrush for what I hoped would be an eventual orange top coat. The under coat went on well and I left it a day to dry. I also found the Kato Pocketline chassis that the body would be mounted onto. Things were looking good!

However things were going to go down hill! Having mixed up some Vallejo orange paint and thinned it with Tamiya thinners. I loaded up the airbrush and applied what can only be described as a splattered coat of paint that ended up looking more like a pebble dashed finish!
What went wrong? To be honest I am not sure. Possibly the different brand of paint and thinners did not mix as they might have. Iit was a warm day so that may have been a factor or it may have been operator error! Not sure but I cannot leave the loco looking like this. I can have a go at sanding it down to see if that smooths off the surface but with so many different levels to the moulding that may be difficult. I have a feeling I may need to find a way to strip the paint off and start again. Stay tuned!

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