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Sunday, May 19, 2024

One Thousand!


Believe it or not this is my 1000th post on this blog! I was amazed when I got to 100 a few years ago so this takes me into a whole new arena! Think I will have some celebratory cheese of which I seem to have rather a lot of after my exploits as posted about yesterday!

However, back to the here and now as my delayed DCC chipping of the DJ Class 71 loco has now been completed.

As with most of these chipping jobs, the body had to come off the chassis first. Not to bad with just four clips to find and release. 

DJ Class 71,

This loco uses a 21 pin decoder and I was lucky that WMD Stores had some in stock, that is one of them beside the pack with the others.

DJ Class 71,

With the blanking plate removed from the circuit board, and it was twice the size of the chip that went in its place, the chip was plugged in.

DJ Class 71,

Following programming the body was put back on and the loco is now ready to go. Nice and simple - just like me as Mrs. Woody says!

Wonder what my 2000th post will be about? Will I actually get to 2000?

DJ Class 71,

DJ Class 71,

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