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Saturday, November 19, 2022

A bit philosophical!

Nearly two and a half years ago I had a detached retina in one of my eyes. To cut a long story short it happened out of the blue but I did something that most men, including me, usually don't do until it is too late which was to actually seek medical help. I think I realised something serious was wrong and the fright of possibly loosing sight in one eye made me seek that medical attention. Despite the pandemic at the time, I was diagnosed on a Tuesday afternoon and undergoing surgery on the Friday morning. The surgeon was highly skilled and the rest of the team brilliant and my sight was saved. Since then I have had to go for regular checkups at the hospital. Today I went back for another checkup and was finally signed off by the surgeon who was happy that all is well. That is great and I am really pleased. 

The whole saga has brought into my focus (no pun intended) the fact that most of us take sight for granted. Having gone through the possibility of loosing sight in one eye I now have a keen interest in news and organisations related to sight loss and the work that they do. I probably have a greater empathy then I ever did before with those who have lost their sight and have to live a life in darkness. I think with some of the other things I have gone through during the past few years I have learnt to live life positively and make the most of each day. You never know what tomorrow may bring. 

That's the philosophical bit over with so how are things going on my valley landscaping? Well slowly and almost a repeat of yesterday and probably some other days last week. More plaster work to cover the polystyrene formers to the landscape but I have probably finished that now.

My Last Great Project

My Last Great Project

It may be boring work at the moment but I am being philosophical about it and at least I can see to do it! More of the standard Woody mayhem will return tomorrow!

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