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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Historic case?

 If I were by the sea, enjoying a cooling ice cream whilst watching the passing World I could really appreciate the current heatwave. As it is, delving in a sun drench shed which was doing an impression of an industrial oven, hauling out stuff to be disposed of I did not appreciate the heatwave! However that long over due job is done! 

A lot of stuff is from my parents and much as I could keep it there is just not the space. Some is junk and goes for recycling but there are some gems like this suitcase which will go to auction.

Old suitcase

About 70 years old it dates back to my Dad's days in the RAF when such cases were adorned with stickers from places visited. There is some history there and if the case could talk.....

fter a rest and cool down I needed a less then taxing job so I decided to polish the paintwork on the cab of the Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck. I used the set of compounds from Tamiya which consist of a course, fine and finish used in that order with a fine sponge. Very much like the cutting compounds used for restoring car paintwork these do the same thing but in a much milder way suitable for models.

Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck

After that I started to paint the black parts of the cab which in this case are the door handles and window surrounds. To get a neat line i tend to use a fresh scalpel blade and run it around the outside edge of the item to be painted. The slight cut in the paintwork gives a sort of miniature ditch into which stray paint flows rather then spreading beyond where it is wanted.

Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck

My choice of paint for this type of fine work is the air brush version of Vallejo's paints. It flows well and covers - much better than the normal paint designed to be brushed!

Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck

Just the other side to do now then that is another job in the case!

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